Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Our National Government

The outline of the government of the United States is laid out in the Constitution. The government was formed in 1789, making the United States one of the world's first, if not the first, modern national constitutional republic. 224 years is a long time to garner an opinion, so what do I think?

Our government is suppose to trusted by the people. However a majority of Americans believe that the government is a threat to their personal rights and freedoms. Fewer and fewer Americans have a favorable view of the federal government, and public anger towards the government is as high as ever. I think it's a good thing for people to be skeptical of their government. It warrants questions and concerns and is a healthy way of asking ourselves what is best for us. It's the decision making portion ( three branches ) I believe that most people typically have concern with. As is indicated by American's negative view of congress over the years.

There are 9 federal agencies that are viewed favorably by 60% or more of the public ( CDC, NASA, Defense Dept, EPA etc. ) I think that when it comes to the part of government that doesn't require a decision or law to be made, Americans tend to favor it more so. With the exception of the NSA in recent months.

The way people should feel about our government should be compared to a love-hate relationship. There are many things our government does that angers us, but there are many things that we do enjoy that is ultimately funded by them ( or funded by us however you look at it ). I couldn't imagine living in a country without people like NASA and space exploration or the EPA to protect human health and the environment. Life would suck without our national government.